Post by Hecmanstar on May 27, 2013 5:03:53 GMT -8
Game today?
Post by Toboe LoneWolf on May 27, 2013 8:57:32 GMT -8
I think so...unless plans have changed or allergy season has struck again, Hunterwolf said he'd be able to make it today and planned on finishing the Saddleport arc then. And if not, we can continue your Tears of the Moon arc with best princess the Lunar Guard.
Post by Rodger Phillips Marsh on May 27, 2013 9:27:03 GMT -8
I have also returned! Looking forward to a night of sarcasm with Palerider
Post by Note Worthy on May 27, 2013 9:33:58 GMT -8
After my week off, I believe I will be able to attend. Today has been an ugly weather day--I might be a little late, however, as we are going to be wiring a light fixture to replace the old one.
Post by Hunterwolf on May 27, 2013 11:42:59 GMT -8
Yes I will be finishing the Saddleport arc today. I plan on doing some last minute preparations when I return from the store and we should begin at our normal time! Assuming nothing goes wrong of course.
Post by Toboe LoneWolf on May 28, 2013 17:59:04 GMT -8
And our slice-of-life adventure in Saddleport concludes! Session 30: Bug Herders, Yay![/s]. Slow takes the birdhouse/termite-herder device and lures Saddleport's termites out of town, where they meet up with Dr. Woodpulp. The doctor has finally devised a spell to take care of the termite problem, which she promptly enacts, sending her beloved mutant insects to an everlasting sleep. Saddleport is saved, and Buildfest can continue![/ul] In which Bali considers, once again, lighting things on fire. But doesn't. Next arc: The GM Is Giggling, times two. Also, as a note, the next arc is fairly character-involved, so please keep your hands and arms inside the carpet bear with me as I juggle characters. I have a little bit of leeway if characters have to vanish/turn invisible, but at some points things will be awkward if all of a sudden a character is missing.
Post by Toboe LoneWolf on Jun 4, 2013 19:23:14 GMT -8
Session 31: Some Ponies Just Can't Handle Haygas[/i] last night? Some ponies just can't handle Las Haygas, it seems. [/ul] And our next arc begins! As you all may have noticed, this arc was inspired by the movie The Hangover, or in our case, The Hayngover. I strongly, strongly encourage everyone to reread the log, because there was a lot of information introduced, and you'll need it to piece together what actually happened last night. As I've mentioned earlier, this arc is character-intensive; every single character did something last night that impacts the arc. Who did what, when, and where are all important. This is your immediate goal at the moment: figuring out what in hayfries happened last night. It's kind of important, before I throw the gang thugs at you.
Post by Toboe LoneWolf on Jun 8, 2013 19:26:27 GMT -8
Warning: walls of text time. waaaaaaaaaallsSo yeah. This arc? Is totally complicated, guys. As you may have noticed. And while I still highly recommend reading the log again, sometimes ain't nobody got time for that. So here are some basic hints and tips so you guys aren't literally running around in circles for this arc: As I said earlier, your immediate goal is to figure out the events of last night. Figuring out what happened, when, where, and why, will explain exactly how your characters got into this mess. Pay attention to locations, numbers, and times. Also, this arc is complicated enough that I don't need purposely obfuscate information. Just saying. If I say something is X, like two mares in wedding dresses, then by golly it's two mares in wedding dresses. Rest assured, they're not actually ninjas. that's for a different arc Also note that it'll take roughly an hour to get from one end of the Strip of Las Haygas to the other. Map of Las HaygasThere are many, many, many leads that the party can pursue. Most of them are purposely tailored for specific characters. Yes, this means that it is more efficient for the party to split. (I figured if it's my GM curse I might as well make the most of it. ) To avoid player boredom, I will run all scenes simultaneously (to the best of my ability). bring itTherefore, for my sanity, please use a single, same color code for your character's posts, including actions/speech. Aka the way the logs are set up. This is because I will actually tailor the GM text color to match a character/group, and as such this will make my life three billion times easier to easily follow each group's conversation. (Also, if I can't read your text color, well, that sucks too) Finally, here are some basic leads/hints for you. How you choose to pursue them, and how well will affect later events in the arc. (psst read the log) - Aegis' ring and the mare(s) in wedding dresses
[/i] get married? Where are said mare(s) anyway? Who are they? And why did Slippery Peat say there were two of them? Note that in Haygas, as with its RL counterpart Vegas, there are roughly a gazillion wedding chapels; some are more infamous than others (Little White Wedding Chapel, anyone?). Also note that in order to actually get married in Vegas, one must first obtain a marriage license at the Clark County Marriage Bureau.[/ul][/li] [li]Aegis' shield [/li] [li]Aegis' wallet [/li] [li]Sunny's cutie mark tattoo [/li] [li]The Figure [/s][/ul][/li] [li]Palerider's Note [/li] [li]Palerider's Adventures In Las Haygas [/i] point she received said note and therefore time for srs bsnss? Last I checked, big brutes were not art. unless it's modern[/ul][/li] [li]Palerider's stash of casino chips, primarily from the Elements of Harmony [/s][/ul][/li] [li]Slow's Grandfather [/li] [li]Slow's key to Elements of Harmony [/li] [li]The Bear [/i][/ul][/li] [li]The "hullabaloo" outside Celestias Palace, after the PURE nightclub [/li] [li]Celestia [/li] [/ul] WHAT IS GOING ON?
Post by Hecmanstar on Jun 9, 2013 18:24:18 GMT -8
A lot to think about this arc.
Status update for me. Work schedule has been changed. Start time for me is 1030pm PST. I can stay in the game Monday nights till 930pm PST.
Post by Toboe LoneWolf on Jun 11, 2013 20:02:28 GMT -8
omg logs logs logs i love logs Session 32: If Only They Could RememberI swear, one of these days I'm going to insert some passcode into the log and whoever figures out it first gets like ten bennies and +4 to all rolls that session.Between this session and last session, the initial pieces of the puzzle are there. Once Slow is done with his initial investigation at the Baylagio, plus any additional investigations you may wish to pursue (hint: you kinda missed/forgot a big one), your characters will obviously need to reconvene and put them in order.
Post by Rodger Phillips Marsh on Jun 12, 2013 9:20:44 GMT -8
Progress is happening... slowly. I think.
I think we should basically start next session with a group reconnoiter, as it's clear that our individual storylines are intertwined.
Post by Toboe LoneWolf on Jun 12, 2013 20:12:14 GMT -8
[...] as it's clear that our individual storylines are intertwined. Of course they are, otherwise there wouldn't be a rpg party in the first place. also I love making things uber-complicatedSo I've gone over the session 31/32 logs to make sure there actually were enough references in order to piece the story together. I even copy-pasted them into one doc so they went in event timeline order. Roughly speaking, you guys should be able to determine the very early events of the night (aka The Trigger), have some vague understanding of how your characters attempted to address the events after The Trigger & Its First Monkey Wrench, and maybe figure out the very last events of the night, before you all woke up the next day and the RP began. The initial events of the night (The Trigger) have been referenced several times, to pretty much all characters, with the the earliest clear hint to Palerider in session 31, and the clearest overall (to me) to Slow. Aegis and Sunny were given hints that were not immediately pursued in the RP. The middle events (First Monkey Wrench) are interwoven with each characters's individual Unfortunate Befalling, and thus are likely harder to piece together. This was intentional, because the arc isn't done yet 8D. Some of these are more related to a character's personal goals (Second Monkey Wrench(es))rather than the arc's timeline, although it (should) make sense by the end of the arc. Of these middle events that are directly arc related, Aegis and Sunny had the most clear references, while Palerider had more vague ones, with the one exception of the clearest link tying to the last events of the night. Hints about the immediate last events of the night, ironically enough, were given the earliest in the RP, in both sessions, with one exception. These hints were given to multiple characters. All right then! Have fun storming the castle piecing things together!
Post by Hecmanstar on Jun 13, 2013 22:26:17 GMT -8
Hmm... We need to regroup after our investigations our over.
Slow has a key to a room at the Elements of Harmony Casino and Hotel. He head there after he finish his questioning about bear, it's owner, and the missing individual. Oh his buffet breakfast at the Bayalagio.
Another line of investigation once its night time is to investigate the night club back at the Celestia Palace.
We should regroup at Celestia Palace or the Elements of Harmony Hotel.
Post by Toboe LoneWolf on Jun 18, 2013 20:24:06 GMT -8
Post by Rodger Phillips Marsh on Jun 18, 2013 22:00:46 GMT -8
AT LAST A CHARACTER WHO ISN'T PURPOSELY OBTUSE Looking forward to next week, now that most of the legwork is out of the way.